Re-inhabiting the territory with children


  • Yazyi Marina Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina


territory, childhood, socio-educational experiences


The photo gallery proposes a journey through the socio-educational space "Taller de la Imaginación", coordinated by the extension project "Niñez y derechos en territorio: espacio sociopedagógico de acompañamiento a las trayectorias educativas" (FFyH, UNC) in which children from 4 to 14 years old from the neighborhood of Villa Cornú, Córdoba city participate.
The different postcards that are shared invite us to travel through the long-awaited reunion between the children and the extension team in 2021, from an imaginary journey that proposes to re-inhabit the territory with the children. These open-air meetings, in the neighborhood square adjacent to the health center, meant to enable the protagonist place of the children, recovering the socio-educational proposals (aesthetic, artistic, literary and playful) that were proposed and sustained uninterruptedly throughout the pandemic, as a way of "being present and being there" beyond the isolation/distance that the context warranted.


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How to Cite

Re-inhabiting the territory with children. (2022). E+E: Estudios De Extensión En Humanidades, 9(13).