Fronteras como zonas de contacto: violencia, memoria y olvido en dos novelas de Graham Swift


  • Cristina Andrea Featherston Haugh Universidad Nacional de La Plata


memory, forgetfulness, violence, trauma, war


In Waterland (1983) the narrator, Crick, a History professor does not hesitate to state that "the teaching of history is the teaching of mistakes” (235) and, throughout the tale, he establishes the ambiguous and cross border between the state of being (water) which turns into another (land). Waterland is a text fascinated by boundaries, elevations, borders, barriers, beginnings and ends. (Daniel Lea 73) In the novel published by Swift in 2011 (Wish You Were Here) the same idea of border as a contact zone between hatred and love, life and death, peace and violence, memory and forgetfulness appears again. It is a region in which lives transfigured by domestic and state violence converge, meet, become separated and try to reach a place where the opposites (memory/ forgetfulness, violence/ non-violence) can come into dialogue and arrive at borderland regions, at the “waterland” which is the only space, even if it is precarious, of salvation when faced to the sinking that surrounds the characters.


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How to Cite

Featherston Haugh, C. A. . (2021). Fronteras como zonas de contacto: violencia, memoria y olvido en dos novelas de Graham Swift. Revista De Culturas Y Literaturas Comparadas, (11). Retrieved from