Transiciones de la narrativa contemporánea


  • Nancy Viejo Universidad de Buenos Aires


narrative, postmodernism, metafiction


Undoubtedly, Borges' narrative is at the forefront of a number of procedures and a way of thinking about literature that characterized the cultural tendency by mid XXth century. One of the iconic stories in this sense, “Death and the Compass” (1942), can be read as a theory of interpretation, the construction of meaning and literature. This paper reflects on the transition of that paradigm to the literature of the first decade of the XXIst century. It carries out a comparative analysis of that story and one of the texts that appears in The interrogative mood: A Novel? (2009), written by the American author Padgett Powell, and which is considered to be an innovative proposal in the field of experimentation of contemporary narrative. This comparison will also allow us to confront the different theoretical frameworks that have constituted the, now classic, postmodern textual paradigm with contemporary theoretical reflections.


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How to Cite

Viejo, N. . (2021). Transiciones de la narrativa contemporánea. Revista De Culturas Y Literaturas Comparadas, (11). Retrieved from