Theorizing Women’s Transnational Literatures: Shaping New Female Identities in Europe through Writing and Translation


  • Vita Fortunati


transnational literatures, transnational feminism, innovative paradigms, ethical issues


The first section of the paper aims at outlining the specificity of women’s critical contributions to transnational literatures and translation debates. Comparative Studies and Translation Studies are undergoing a phase of methodological rethinking and of discussion on disciplinary borders. It is a moment of great change implicit in a new perspective that wants to take into account a ‘global’ vision on the state of art of these two research areas. This awareness is born from the idea that the canonical division between literary/cultural studies and translation is not acceptable anymore, because translation is nowadays a hermeneutical category important to understand the complexity of the world. A research area that seems to unite this new notion of comparatism and translation is that of “Transnational Literatures/Cultures”, where the term ‘trans’ outlines, not only the passage among cultures, literatures and languages, but also the overcoming of national borders. The second section concentrates on Women scholars’ critical writing about “Transnational Feminisms” trying to underline their main issues. The first one is to combine theoretical analysis with political praxis and teaching to establish theories and practices which refute prevalent power structures of patriarchy, empire and globalization. The second issue is to encourage a transdisciplinary methodology and the necessity to find innovative knowledge paradigms and a new terminology. The third issue is the need to highlight the problem of ethics and responsibility.


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Author Biography

Vita Fortunati

Ha sido profesora de Literatura Inglesa en la Universidad de Bologna y ha coordinado varias redes temáticas europeas, las últimas de las cuales son Cultural Memory in European countries e Interfacing Sciences, Literature and Humanities. Ha publicado numerosos libros y ensayos sobre modernidad, literatura utópica, escritura de mujeres, memoria cultural, nostalgia, la representación del cuerpo femenino y la vejez entre la medicina y la cultura. Sus publicaciones más recientes son “Women’s Autobiography Memory as a Complex Act in Women’s Autobiography: Three Case Studies” (Zagreb, 2013) y “Mirror Shards: Conflicting Images between Marie Curie’s Autobiography and her Biographies” en Writing About Lives in Science (2014).


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How to Cite

Fortunati, V. (2015). Theorizing Women’s Transnational Literatures: Shaping New Female Identities in Europe through Writing and Translation. Revista De Culturas Y Literaturas Comparadas, 5. Retrieved from