Memory and writing. Between noises and silences. About Luis García Montero and Hebert Benítez Pezzolano
Luis Gracía Montero, Hebert Benítez Pezzolano, contemporary poetry, memory, poetry from Spain and AmericaAbstract
The correlation of Spanish literary poetics with Latin American ones has operated in many ways from the conquest to the present. The trend of Spanish influence on Latin American influence changes, especially at the end of the 19th century with the emergence of Modernism: Since then, deviations and mutual influences will occur in a non-linear direction, not a little marked by the new ideologies of the State of the century XX. An example of aesthetic deviation, without obvious influence, arises when comparing the poetics of Luis García Montero (Granada, 1958) with Hebert Benítez Pezzolano (Montevideo, 1960), although both use memory and, therefore, evocation to build their poetic worlds.
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