The French in Brazilian Literary Historiography


  • Helena Bonito Pereira Universidade de São Paulo


literary historiograph, Brazil, Ferdinand Denis, Jean de Léry


Literary historiography constitutes a field of major importance for the systematic study of national literatures, since it provides the necessary contextualization for the study of authors or works that compose literary tradition. In Brazil, this tradition is connected to the early 19th century showing, among its first authors, Frenchman Ferdinand Denis, who published Résumé de l’histoire littéraire du Portugal, suivi du résumé de l’histoire littéraire du Brésil in 1826. France had then become the country from which Brazilian artistic inspiration came due to the exile of King João VI, who chose to live in Rio de Janeiro, due to the siege of Napoleonic troops. Long before such episodes, however, Brazil had been subject of the book Voyage au pays du Brésil, published in the 16th century by Jean de Léry, one of the participants of the so-called “French Invasions” at the very beginning of the colonization of the Americas. Both works offer relevant contributions for considering the foreigner’s view of Brazil’s nature and inhabitants and the how such view contributed to our literary formation.


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Author Biography

  • Helena Bonito Pereira, Universidade de São Paulo

    Es Doctora en Letras Modernas por la Universidade de São Paulo. Realizó una estancia posdoctoral en el Departament of Hispanic Studies, University of California at Riverside (Estados Unidos). Es docente de posgrado de Letras en la Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (Brasil) y actualmente es Pro-Secretaria de Investigación y Posgrado en dicha institución. Es editora asociada de la Revista Todas as Letras (Qualis A2-CAPES).


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How to Cite

The French in Brazilian Literary Historiography. (2016). Revista De Culturas Y Literaturas Comparadas, 6.