Organization in the Community: Health Experiences in La Paz


  • Ramón Ignacio López García Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua


organization, community, participation, empowerment, health


Nicaragua is a country with an exemplary history in human development issues, based on the practical strategy of community organization. However, the effects of the implementation of neoliberal policies that the country experienced for seventeen years (1990-2006) are key to studying the practice of families and communities in these new times. This first effort has been carried out in Barrio México and the San Diego II region of the La Paz municipality of the Carazo department in the southern part of Nicaragua.

The research seeks to explore the experience of community organization around public health and identify guidelines for organizational work, the improvement of community actions based on the prevention of health problems and greater effectiveness in the protagonism on the part of the communities. Both the study and the proposal are based on participation and empowerment as key variables in community organization processes.

The study concludes that there are good community practices for health care. However, there are still limitations to deploying levels of community commitment, in which institutions, authorities and leadership play a relevant role to keep in mind.


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Author Biography

Ramón Ignacio López García, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua

Nicaragüense. Doctor en Educación e Intervención Social, Profesional de Trabajo Social, Docente en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua). Institución de crédito: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua.


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