Questioning from the territories, accompanying struggles and resistances

Entrevista a Nora Aquín


  • Lucas Herrera Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)


entrevista, nro13, concienciasocial, nora aquín, democracia, territorios, luchas, resistencias


Nora Aquín is perhaps one of the most outstanding social workers, teacher-researchers and intellectuals in the field of social work since the return of democracy to the present day. Although her academic productions are numerous, as well as her vast experience in undergraduate and postgraduate training, her commitment to the study of the social as an object of knowledge and intervention, social problems and territories, democracy and citizenship, the relationship between society and state - and public policies - stands out.
From these concerns and productions, he has entered into dialogue with various social and political problems of our time, with clear ethical-political positions in favour of the broad majorities of people and groups who struggle for greater recognition and equality, whose debates reach the whole of the Social Sciences.
Special recognition deserves her valuable participation, generosity and commitment as director of this Social Conscience Journal since its return in 2017 with a digital format and open knowledge, not only for her notable contributions to the Social Sciences, but also for her commitment to collective, intergenerational and critical work in Social Work.
During the interview, we spoke with Nora about the various challenges to our democracy, territories and social work, both from sectors that suffer from the enormous inequalities of our time and from the right wing that questions the public, the state and rights themselves.
In this issue, which is published a few days before the XXX National Congress and VI Argentinean and Latin American Meeting of Social Work to be held in Córdoba, Nora's contributions and reflections are key to analysing issues such as human rights, social problems and inequalities, the struggles of collectives, community experiences of care, the pandemic and the reconfiguration of community organisations and the trajectory of public policies.
ConCiencia Social had the pleasure of talking to Nora, a constant questioner, tireless activist and promoter of collective projects that expand rights.

Author Biography

  • Lucas Herrera, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)

    Argentino. Licenciado en Trabajo Social por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Docente e investigador en la carrera de Licenciatura en Trabajo Social (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNC). Doctorando en Administración y Políticas Públicas (IIFAP, FCS, UNC). Miembro del Comité Editorial de la Revista ConCiencia Social.




