Intersectionality: a concept adaptable to the ethnic reality of Colombia


  • Nurys Martínez Guerra Universidad del Sinú
  • Carlos Martínez Universidad del Sinú


social exclusion, intersectionality, violence, women, feminisms


The concept of intersectionality is positioned from the seventies of the twentieth century and its appropriation comes from the criticism made by the Multiracial American Feminist Movements to observe how the legal system neglects the claims, especially of black women, exposed to the violence and social exclusion. In this sense, the purpose of this article is to observe the applicability of the concept of intersectionality as a theoretical body that allows identifying the different social demands in Latin America from which ethnic minority Afro-descendant groups have had to enforce in order to give their voice of alert against different violent manifestations that have oppressed them and that have occurred for many years in countries like Colombia. In order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to know the origin of the concept of intersectionality and the influence of women in this historical process, who have identified and united the different forms of social exclusion, as well as the way in which their social claims must be heard to achieve greater legal equity as citizens of a rule of law.

Author Biographies

  • Nurys Martínez Guerra , Universidad del Sinú

    Colombiana. Trabajadora Social. Magíster en Educación. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Sociales y Educación. Trabajo Social. Docente-Investigadora. Universidad del Sinú. Colombia.

  • Carlos Martínez , Universidad del Sinú

    Colombiano. PhD en Pensamiento Político. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Sociales y Educación. Trabajo Social. Docente-Investigador. Universidad del Sinú. Colombia.


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