The construction of the representative system of social movements


  • Nilda Inés Torcigliani Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


social movements, structuring factors, representative system, process of integration


The article deals with the processes of formation and support of social movements in contexts of absence of rights, social and material inequality, that is, in historical conjunctures where the forms of manifestation and confrontation of the social question and the struggle for their recognition are transformed (Iamamoto, 1997). How is a social movement constituted? What factors contribute to the process of collective structuring and unity of a social movement in a conflict field? These questions are addressed in accordance with the research carried out on the case of the Union of Grassroots Organizations for Social Rights in Córdoba (the Union) (1992-2004). From the theoretical tools on collective action offered by Melucci (2001), a conceptual key is explored and proposed, which, since our investigation, was important for the understanding of social movements: the process of construction of the representative system in relation to the integration of the social movement and its action in a conflict field. In turn, it is proposed that the analysis of the variation in the meaning of representation exercised by those who are the protagonists of collective action is fruitful for the study and interpretation of the trajectory of different social movements. In this way, it contributes to the understanding of the integration process as well as the weakening of the system of collective action in a field of possibilities and limitations.

Author Biography

  • Nilda Inés Torcigliani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
    Argentina. Es Licenciada en Trabajo Social, Magíster en Investigación Científica y Técnica (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas-UNER) y doctora en Estudios Sociales de América Latina (CEA-FCS-UNC). Se desempeña como Profesora Titular de la Cátedra Teoría, Espacios y Estrategias de Intervención I y profesora del Seminario de Intervención de la Maestría en Trabajo Social. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


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Fuentes electrónicas

Melucci Alberto (1999): Acción Colectiva, Vida cotidiana y Democracia. El colegio de México DF. Teoría de la acción colectiva, identidad y movilización en los movimientos sociales. Disponible en: Fecha de última consulta: 16-02-18

Otras fuentes consultadas:

Estatuto Social de Unión de Organizaciones de Base por los Derechos Sociales –UOBDS- (1999). Título I. Provincia de Córdoba.





