Access to health and cannabis. The institutions in conflict, the realities in dispute. Self-management and solidarity vs monopoly and repression


  • Federico Pellagatti Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina).
  • Clara Weber Suardiaz Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Universidad Nacional de Luján (Argentina)


health, cannabis, solidarity practices, rights


This article deals with the topic of therapeutic cannabis from a collective health perspective, analyzing the positioning and organization of family members of people who have some type of illness and resort for their treatment to the use of therapeutic cannabis and the contribution that Social Work can make. do to this topic. Although the subject has been little studied by the social sciences, we understand that today it is installed with force, as of the sanction of the national law 27,350. The theme contains social practices of solidarity and self-management that involve instituting logic and confrontation with the hegemonic medical model. But the fundamental thing is that it shows a passage of the subjects to political actors in the struggle for the access to their rights, also identifying the dimension of present gender where it is possible to go out into the public space and, in the same movement, the place of mother-carer. Instituting processes, which require a rigorous analysis of Social Work to contribute to the struggle for access to the right to health in an integral manner.


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