Citizen participation in the open government framework Discussions regarding its scope and development from the argentine case

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Gisela Vanina Signorelli
Melina Guardamagna


Citizen participation is one of the pillars of Open Government (OG) along with transparency and collaboration. However, his notion of participation seems to be merely instrumental and even rhetorical; because it does not prioritize dimensions that are central to the processes where citizens get involved and try to influence policies to resolve public problems.

The debate on participation - something suspended and circular - requires new questions to analyze it within the framework of the OP. Consequently, the questions that guide this work are the following: What are the variables and dimensions that the concept of citizen participation incorporates from the OP approach? Does it contemplate territorial specificities that make participatory and collaborative processes possible? How does this model incorporate the dynamics of territorial actors in their relationship with the government and vice versa?

To answer them, in a first preliminary exercise, the Argentine case will be used, based on the study of the functioning of the “Mesa Nacional” (MN) and the creation processes of the National Action Plans, mainly the fourth (2019-2021) and the fifth (2022-2024). Its approach has been done with the support of a matrix for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Participatory Practices (Guardamagna, 2023) and through in-depth interviews with key actors and documentary analysis. The main result refers to the fact that, although progress is observed in the incorporation of participation within the framework of the National Plans of OG in Argentina, it is of an instrumental nature, captured by few actors, with low representative character at the federal level and low levels of influence outside the “Mesa Nacional”. The OG agenda is not part of the civil society agenda and such agendas are not part of the OG agenda. Furthermore, the dimensions provided by the OGP to assess participation are reduced to the procedural.

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How to Cite
Citizen participation in the open government framework: Discussions regarding its scope and development from the argentine case. (2024). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 17, 125-160.
Dossier Temático

How to Cite

Citizen participation in the open government framework: Discussions regarding its scope and development from the argentine case. (2024). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 17, 125-160.


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