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Cecilia Evangelina Melendez
María Gabriela Tapia


This work aims to analyze the educational policy of subsidizing privately managed education in Catamarca, one of the 24 jurisdictions that make up the map of Argentina. Based on the contributions of Oscar Oszlak, we will address the role of the state in this field from the micro, meso and macro levels. In its federal configuration, the country's educational policy proposes general guidelines at the national level that acquire particularities in each jurisdiction; in this case, we designate the jurisdiction as meso level. The provincial state subsidizes the private educational subsystem 100%, this covers the salaries of teachers, teaching assistants, management staff and psycho-pedagogical teams, established legally since 1978, this has favored a gradual growth of enrollment in the private sector, action that is complemented by the policy of free student tickets, delivery of books and more recently with the contribution of the national State to families through educational vouchers. We intend to analyze the role of the national and provincial states in the dichotomy of supply subsidy and demand subsidy. To do this we start from a life story, then we will proceed to the reading and interpretation of legal instruments that allow us to access the normative configuration of public policies: National Education Law 26206; Private Education Law No. 3387 and Resolution 61/24. With this work we aspire to contribute to the field by providing knowledge about the relationships, complementarities and contradictions of Argentine educational policy at the aforementioned levels at a time when the debate around the supply subsidy or the demand subsidy for education is updated private management education.

Article Details

How to Cite
THE PRIVATE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION SUBSIDY POLICY IN THE PROVINCE OF CATAMARCA: Micor, meso and macro analysis. (2024). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 17, 186-208.
Dossier Temático
Author Biography

María Gabriela Tapia, UNCa

Licenciada en Ciencias Políticas. Instituto Regional de Estudios Socio Culturales - Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (IRES-CONICET-UNCa)

How to Cite

THE PRIVATE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION SUBSIDY POLICY IN THE PROVINCE OF CATAMARCA: Micor, meso and macro analysis. (2024). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 17, 186-208.


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