The State-Citizenshio relation through digital technologies Current situation and reflexions on the future in argentina's national public administration.

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Maria Alejandra Paez Arenas
Rogelio Rodrigo


This paper presents a prospective study focused on the analysis of digital technologies in the Argentine Public Administration, carried out by the Prospective and Future Scenarios Unit of the National Institute of Public Administration.

The research integrates a conceptual framework that incorporates the notions of open socio-technical systems and organizational technologies, as well as the models of electronic, digital and open government.

In turn, it employs a methodological strategy that is developed in several stages, including literature review, interviews, focus groups and discussions, in addition to the processing of information through specialized software that assists in the design of future scenarios.

In the baseline, four systems are analyzed: Integrated Financial Information System Internet (e-SIDIF), Electronic Document Management (GDE), Remote Procedures (TAD), and My Argentina.

In order to enrich the following phases of the study, based on the information obtained, four key axes are introduced for the analysis of digital technologies: critical infrastructure, organizational transformation, link with citizenship, and data and algorithmic governance.

In addition, the research projects possible future scenarios, relating its results to three different Public Administration models: New Public Management, Polygovernance and Neoweberianism.

Within this framework, this article aims, on the one hand, to give an account of the process developed throughout the research. And on the other hand, to deepen the analysis of one of the axes proposed for the study, the link between the State and citizenship.

Article Details

How to Cite
The State-Citizenshio relation through digital technologies: Current situation and reflexions on the future in argentina’s national public administration. (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 16, 93-113.
Dossier Temático

How to Cite

The State-Citizenshio relation through digital technologies: Current situation and reflexions on the future in argentina’s national public administration. (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 16, 93-113.


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