Analysis of the implementation of the 12077/12 city ordinance urban agreements - Córdoba, Argentina

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María Beatriz Valencia


This article summarizes the analysis and evaluation of the implementation of the private-public agreements (APP) processes for Urban Development projects in Córdoba city, in the framework of the Urban Planning Agreements Ordinance (local law) 12077/12.

It arises from the concern for looking for efficiency and effectiveness of this instrument, assesses its impact, the prioritization of the general interest and its contribution to Sustainable Urban Development.

It is a joint analysis based on citizen participation and technical knowledge, with the aim of contributing to the improvement of this instrument and its implementation process, through the systematization, analysis and dissemination of high-quality information as input and implementation. of evidence-based deliberations. , establishes the issue in public opinion and increase citizen participation in the public policy decision-making process for Public Urban Development Policies.

Starting from the critical reading of the Ordinance, the systematization and cases analysis, this summary  here focuses mainly on verifying the fulfillment of the stated objectives, analyzing the authorization procedure, the assessment of merit and the opportunity in the reasons of the Municipality, the role of the actors, the Deliberative Council and citizens conflicts, reviewing the agreed benefit  from its calculation to the degree of compliance. Emphasizing in transparency at all stages of the process. 

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How to Cite
Analysis of the implementation of the 12077/12 city ordinance urban agreements - Córdoba, Argentina. (2020). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 9, 181-203.
Informes Técnicos

How to Cite

Analysis of the implementation of the 12077/12 city ordinance urban agreements - Córdoba, Argentina. (2020). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 9, 181-203.