Juridization of the indigenous identities in the province of Jujuy. Analysis of the bills submitted to the provincial parliament (1983-1989)
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Based on the idea that, in Latin America, the concept of indigenous operates, among other things, as a legal category, the aim of this article is to reflect, from an anthropological point of view, on the legal structure deployed by the Jujuy province Parliament during the 80´s, widely considered as the decade of the return of democracy and development of neoliberalism in Argentina.
The focus on the legal discourse through the analysis of the ensemble of bills introduced in the provincial Parliament between 1983 and 1989, dealing (either directly or indirectly) with the indigenous populations of the province, and more specifically the Quebrada and Puna communes, allows us to put into context one of the main fields in which the interaction between the State and those communities takes place and, by that, to think about the building process of the legally allowed indigenous in that period, taking into consideration that the legal structure weaved throughout the time by political/economical threads establishes and defines the limits (legal borders) of identities legality/legitimacy.
What does the Provincial State consider as indigenous when, in different contexts, deals (through laws, decrees and resolutions) with the difficulties of the indigenous populations? Which are the main topics composing this legal structure? Far from being only rhetorical, these questions are critical and allow us to look into the legal (re)setting of identities and the conflicts around which this setting lays.
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