Biotechnology, scienceand power. A critical analysis of the regulation of genetically modified seeds
Main Article Content
This article deals with the ways in which the scientific knowledge is crystallized in the National Commission of Agricultural Biotechnology (CONABIA), an organization that, within the State, regulates the release of the main imput of the Biotechnological Agrarian Model: the Genetically Modified seeds. The main objective of this work is to think about the relation between science and production within the state political institutions, the role of knowledge production in the public policy, the presence of subtle lines between science and bureaucratic practices and the consequences of these practices on democratic participation of society.To do so, we based on the analysis of interviews with members of CONABIA, representatives of the Legislative Branch, legislative advisors and representatives of environmental movements. We also used a large body of resolutions, laws, public documents and bibliographic materials. We will seek to recognize how thiscommission is composed, why it is constituted in that way, what regulatory criteria builds the scientific knowledge that these experts possess, what are the consequences of these definitions and, centrally, why is this scientific knowledge (within the framework of the state) takes such a leading role, defining the basic input of the food chain, the seed, and setting the course of a central aspect of Argentine economic policy, agribusiness.The anallize starts in 1991, when the CONABIA was constituted and concludes in 2010, when this commission begins to check and discuss the regulation and when a new phase of conflict starts.This work attemps to contribute, from a multidisciplpinary perspective of the political science, the agrarian sociology and the sociology of science, to the comprehension of the complex framewok science-politics-market, that constitutes an specific kind of institutionality and configures particular dynamics of political domination within the capitalist system.
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