Socio-educational policies and teaching work. School management, between the accumulation of compensatory projects and the practice of educational inclusion (Córdoba, Argentina, 2000-2010).

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Alicia Olmos


Teacher’s work is one of the bastions of public employment, was identified as a privilege venue for social inclusion, and historically selected by people belonging to socio cultural groups looking for new positions in the social field. In the last decades, while argentine society experienced changes of strong impact in its development and configuration, this employment became especially complex. One of the dimensions was the generation of multiple strategies to support the admission, permanence and graduation of students at schools where they could reach the right to education as an instrument of social inclusion. In a scenario of policies in focus to reach these results, teachers developed new ways of planning and managing the work at schools that followed new legal and ruling frameworks. This research faces some interpretations around the transformations of teacher’s work. We ask about the meaning that these scholar agents give to planning and management of programs for social and educational inclusion and we study the changes of labor relations through out the implementation of programs during the years 2000-2010. We studied six public schools at different levels: Initial, Primary Education, Secondary Education and Tertiary Education, at the province of Cordoba, Argentina. We have worked using an integrated methodology the combines qualitative and quantitative elements. With this frame of reference we made a systematic analysis and interpretation of the voices of assistants, teachers, principals, coordinators and officers from the provincial and national ministries. We have reconstructed labor practices of these public agents revealing, as a paradox, some conditions of precarious work, through the analysis of the implementation of education inclusion policies, in schools of compulsory education and superior level.

Article Details

How to Cite
Socio-educational policies and teaching work. School management, between the accumulation of compensatory projects and the practice of educational inclusion (Córdoba, Argentina, 2000-2010). (2016). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 1, 48-59.
Author Biography

Alicia Olmos, Gobierno de la Provincia de Córdoba. Ministerio de Educación.

Doctora en Administración Pública y Magister en Gestión de la Educación

How to Cite

Socio-educational policies and teaching work. School management, between the accumulation of compensatory projects and the practice of educational inclusion (Córdoba, Argentina, 2000-2010). (2016). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 1, 48-59.


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