Distrust vs. enthusiasm: digital technologies in the transmission of the culture of origin to children from immigrant families


  • Roberta Perrone Gems American Academy
  • Mariona Grané Universitat de Barcelona, España




digital technology; children and screens; digital parenting; immigration; cultural transmission


This investigation aims to contribute to the knowledge regarding the role of digital technologies in the maintenance and transmission of the cultural identity of families that are part of contemporary migratory flows. Parental attitudes and family educational strategies in relation to technologies are determinants of children’s ability to maintain their culture and native language, as well as developing their own identity. This is a qualitative study oriented towards understanding through the perceptions of families that are part of this contemporary phenomenon. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with Brazilian immigrant families residing in the United Arab Emirates.A customized database was created for the analysis of the results, which allow us to conclude that the role of digital technologies in cultural transmission among immigrant families is yet minor and little explored, but very promising and still has a long way to go.


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How to Cite

Perrone, R., & Grané, M. (2023). Distrust vs. enthusiasm: digital technologies in the transmission of the culture of origin to children from immigrant families. Virtuality, Education and Science, 14(26), 27–42. https://doi.org/10.60020/1853-6530.v14.n26.43745



Theoretical Basis and Research