Changes in the teaching and learning modality within the framework of an institutional model. The case of the Methodology of Economics class


  • Eugenia Perona Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
  • Mariela Cuttica Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina



blended learning, agency-structure institutional model, economic sciences, educational technology


The purpose of this article is to examine the transition from a face-to-face learning modality to a blended learning modality experienced by a course on Methodology of Economics, at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, National University of Córdoba. An institutional model is used as a theoretical framework; such model explains the existing interrelation between standards that regulate the teaching and learning processes on the one hand, and the students and instructors’ practices on the other hand. A quantitative analysis shows that the blended learning option yields better results in terms of student performance. This is explained by various qualitative factors, such as emphasis on skills acquisition, continuous and individualized support to students, and an emphasis on the development of scientific writing abilities. In addition, this article shows how the change in the learning modality affects the structure of rights, tasks, duties, and privileges of the actors involved in the learning process.


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How to Cite

Perona , E., & Cuttica, M. (2021). Changes in the teaching and learning modality within the framework of an institutional model. The case of the Methodology of Economics class. Virtuality, Education and Science, 12(22), 103–118.



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