New leadership training in the region. The experience of “The Academy of Political Innovation


  • María José Barlassina Academia de Innovación Política



online education, ICT, leadership training, e-Learning, political innovation


The purpose of this article is to share some reflections about training courses mediated by information and communication technologies (ICT). Several of these reflections and considerations emerge from the learning experiences in the framework of the creation and development of the Academy of Political Innovation. The academy emerges from an investigation held by “South Affairs”, in which 165 training programs for political and social leaders were mapped in Latin America. “South Affairs” not only profited from the knowledge acquired during several years of fieldwork, but it also enhanced the training courses with practical tools while adding the know how in political innovation to train future regional leaders.


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How to Cite

Barlassina , M. J. (2021). New leadership training in the region. The experience of “The Academy of Political Innovation. Virtuality, Education and Science, 12(22), 84–102.



Innovation and Experiences