Learning scenarios jointly designed by students and teachers in the university: the case of an Educational Technology subject


  • Guadalupe Álvarez Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
  • Jorgelina Cecilia Nadal Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional




university, digital technologies, co-designed learning scenarios


The aim of this study is to explore different dimensions of learning scenarios jointly designed by students and teachers in the subject Educational Technology of the Degree in Education of the National University of General Sarmiento. It is considered the course of the 2016 cycle, which was completely virtual. It is analyzed, in particular, the final work of the subject, which has been aimed at designing of a completely virtual teaching proposal in which digital technologies will be integrated, as well as developing the necessary learning resources (ie environment and digital materials) to implement the proposal. For this analysis, they are taken into account both the principles of the final work and the way in which the work was carried out. Our results dialogue with other research focused on co-design processes that have highlighted that this type of approach promotes significant learning and also opportunities to guide the teaching intervention.


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How to Cite

Álvarez, G., & Nadal, J. C. (2019). Learning scenarios jointly designed by students and teachers in the university: the case of an Educational Technology subject. Virtuality, Education and Science, 10(19), 57–74. https://doi.org/10.60020/1853-6530.v10.n19.24917



Innovation and Experiences