
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has not been previously published or previously sent to another journal (or an explanation has been provided to the publisher in the section Comments).

  • The file is sent in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • That Web addresses have been added for the references where possible.

  • The text has 1.5 line spacing; the font size is 12; italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed within the text in their proper place and not at the end of the article.

  • The text meets the style and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which can be found in the section “About the Journal”.

Author Guidelines

The articles sent to be published by the VESC Journal must comply with the following formal rules. The texts that do not meet them will be dismissed. Submit the articles to:

1- The articles must be original. They must not have been previously published or submitted for publication in another journal or scientific event.

2- The work must be accompanied by a note signed by the author/s where they authorize the use of property rights (reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution of the article) to the Center for Advanced Studies of the National University of Cordoba, to include the article in the VESC Journal. Also, the author/s should assume responsibility for the content, the ideas expressed and the copyright of graphics and images used in the article. Finally, the author/s should express which section the article is postulated for.

3- The document must be written with a 1.5 line spacing in A4 paper format, with 2.5 cm margins, font size 12 Times New Roman. Do not insert page break between the title, abstract and subtitles. Save the file in DOC format (Word 97-2003).

4- Depending on the section, the article must contain the following characteristics:

The Theoretical Basis and Research section requires:

  • Title in lowercase letters, maximum 20 words, in the original language and in Spanish.
  • Under the title, write the name and surname of the author/s in lowercase letters, institutional affiliation and email.
  • The abstract should not exceed 150 words in the original language of the article and in Spanish. It must be a single paragraph.
  • Between 3 and 5 key words in the original language and in Spanish.
  • The total extension for the articles to be published in Theoretical Basis and Research section should not exceed 10,000 words.

Innovation and Experiences section requires:

  • Title in lowercase letters, maximum 20 words, in the original language and in Spanish.
  • Under the title, write the name and surname of the author/s in lowercase letters, institutional affiliation and email.
  • The abstract should not exceed 150 words in the original language of the article and in Spaish.
  • Between 3 and 5 key words in the original language and in Spanish.
  • The total extension must not exceed 7,000 words.

Thesis section requires:

  • A summary text of no more than 2,000 words based on the research performed and conclusions reached.
  • Do not include quotations in the body of the text, bibliographic references, tables, graphs or images.
  • The following data must be indicated: title, type of thesis (BA, MA, PhD), name and email of the author, name of the director and co-director (if any), career, Academic Institution that evaluated the thesis and date of defense.

Notes and Reviews section requires:

  • Title in lowercase letters, maximum 20 words, in the original language and in Spanish.
  • Under the title, write the name and surname of the author/s in lowercase letters, institutional affiliation and email.
  • The abstract should not exceed 150 words in the original language of the article and in Spanish.
  • Between 3 and 5 keywords in the original language and in Spanish.
  • The total extension must not exceed 7,000 words.

For the Publications Reviews section: publication title, author/s, publisher, number of pages, publication year and ISBN. Then, the name of the review author, institutional filiation and email. The review should not exceed 1,000 words.

5- In case of incorporating tables, figures, graphs, photographs, etc. into the article, they shall only be used to supplement or clarify the text. Avoid those that do not provide more information to the above mentioned. The publisher reserves the right to delete those resources that are not significant.

6- The tables will be placed inside the article. They shall not be inserted using any application external to the text processor. Do not use / generate tables in landscape format and tables exceeding the margins of the text; do not color the cells. The title is placed at the top of the table, outside it.

7- The graphs and images will be presented separately in a JPG format file (with a resolution of 300dpi) indicating inside the article the place in which it must be included. The graphic / image reference must be placed inside the article, not in the image. Example: Figure 1 - Knowledge of applications. This reference will be the name than the file containing the graphic resource. Moreover, a detailed description of the graphic or image content should be included, so as to submit it as an alternative text to ensure its accessibility. Add this information inside the article as a footnote reading "Alternative Text ...” Without this text, the graph, photo or image will not be included when publishing the article.

8- Quotations and references:

8.1 Quotations inside the text

References to articles or books shall appear in the text in parentheses, indicating the author's surname and the publication year, separated by a comma (Bourdieu, 1995). In the event that in a same reference several books or articles are included, one after the other in chronological order will be cited and separated by a semi-colon (Passeron 1987; Casillas, 1990; Bourdieu, 1995). If several works by the same author are included in the reference, just write the authors’ surnames and the years of the several works separated by commas, using letters (a, b, etc.) to distinguish those papers that have been published in the same year (Ortega 1985, 1986, 1987a, 1987b, 1987c, 1990). If the author's name is part of the article, just place the year in brackets. Example: "Bourdieu (1995) stated that ...". If the reference work is produced by more than one author, you can use et al., between the first author’s surname and the year (Buendía, et al., 1998) but in the bibliographic references section all the authors should be mentioned.

8.2 Direct quotations

The direct quotations should be enclosed with inverted commas, and the name of the author of the text. The year and the page or pages from which the quoted text has been extracted will be written in parentheses. Example: "by distance learning, we understand [...] occasional contact with other students" (Ortega, 1986, p. 16). If the author's name is part of the text, follow this format: As Ortega (1986, p. 102) noted "...". Direct quotations exceeding three lines will be placed in a separate paragraph, with a smaller font size, enlarging the right and left margins of the quotation paragraph and without using quotation marks.

8.3 Bibliographic References

The section “Bibliographic References” will be placed at end of the article and shall conform to the following format:

Book: surname of the author/s, first name initial (capitalized). Year of publication (in parentheses). Book title (in italics). City where it was published: Publisher.


BOURDIEU, P. (1990). Sociología y Cultura. México: Grijalbo.

BUENDÍA, L.; COLÁS, P. y HERNÁNDEZ, F. (1998). Métodos de Investigación en Psicopedagogía. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.


Chapter or article in a book: surname of the author/s, first name initial (capitalized). Year of publication (in parentheses). Title of article or chapter, in (name of the author, editor or coordinator of the book), Book title (in italics). City of publication: Publisher, pages comprising the article or chapter in the book.


CRISTIANO, J. (2008). Hacer social e imaginación: el proyecto de una sociología de la acción, en Cabrera D., Fragmentos del caos: filosofía, sujeto y sociedad en Castoriadis. Buenos Aires: Biblos, pp. 203-224.


Journals: surname of the author/s, first name initial (capitalized). Year of publication (in parentheses). Article title. Name of the Journal (in italics), number or volume and year of publication (in parentheses), pages comprising the article inside the journal.


MATA, M. C. (2002). Comunicación, ciudadanía y poder, pistas para pensar su articulación, Diálogos de la comunicación, 64 (7), pp. 64-75.


Presentations: surname of the authors, first name initial (capitalized). Year of presentation (in parentheses). Title of the paper. Paper presented at: Event name (in italics). City: Organizer Institution.


MAREÑO SEMPERTEGUI, M. (2008). Equidad en el acceso, permanencia, avance y egreso de personas en situación de discapacidad en la educación superior universitaria. Una propuesta de abordaje integral en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Paper presented at: Jornadas sobre Accesibilidad, Derechos Humanos y Universidad. Accesibilidad como Derecho a la Educación. Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires.



National Law N. 26.653, Information Available on Web Pages. Enforcement Authority. Deadlines. Regulation, enacted on 11/03/2010, available at:


Corporate Author: Name of government program or national or international bodies (capitalized). Document title (in italics). City: Publisher (if any). If it is a document from the Internet, instead of mentioning the city, the following shall be mentioned: Online: URL [xx / xx / xxxx] (date the document was downloaded in brackets)


UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION (2006). Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Online [24/08/2012]


IMPORTANT: You should only include information about the location of documents on the Internet if the standards set by copyright are not infringed. For all other cases, if the document was retrieved from the Internet, the following shall be mentioned: Online: URL [xx / xx / xxxx] (date the document was downloaded in brackets)


Online [24/08/2012]


9- Any other quotations and references should be made according to APA standards.

10- All the articles will be submitted to an evaluation process by peer evaluators. During the evaluation, both the names of the authors and evaluators will be anonymous. The final decision to publish or reject articles will be made by the Editors and Editor Board. The decision will be notified to the author/s by means of a written concept.

11- Once the articles have been evaluated, they will not be returned.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses registered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other person.