VLEs in the Specialization Degree on Technology-mediated Education


  • Jorgelina Plaza Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina
  • Adriana Acuña Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina




VLE, Higher Education, pedagogical dimensions


This work belongs to the research proyect: “The virtual classroom and their actors in university education. In this paper, we analize the VLEs uses at the Specialization Degree on Technology-mediated Education belonging to the Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica Universidad Nacional del Comahue. This research was based on the four Adell and Castañeda’s pedagogic dimensions: informative, praxic, communicative, tutorial and evaluative. The results of this research represent an important reference to improve the quality of the course activity.


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Theoretical Basis and Research

How to Cite

VLEs in the Specialization Degree on Technology-mediated Education. (2022). Virtuality, Education and Science, 13(25), 58-67. https://doi.org/10.60020/1853-6530.v13.n25.37694