The conflict in Volkswagen (Monte Chingolo) in 1983: an analysis of workers' culture and about relations between production and reproduction areas



Labour movement, Activism, Volkswagen, Conflict, Social reproduction


This article refers to aspects of the conflict developed between february and may of 1983 at the plant of Volkswagen in Monte Chingolo. Based on written sources and two interviews with activists who were protagonists of the conflict, we analyze this dispute between capital and labor through the prism of concepts related to working class culture, and about relations between production and social reproduction areas. In first place, we focus on the role of left parties who had insertion in this company in terms of their importance in the assembly and development of the union representation in the factory of Monte Chingolo and the characteristics of the struggle in 1983. Secondly, we analyze the impact of the conflict in the field of social reproduction. On the one hand, regarding the relationship of the workers with the residents of Monte Chingolo. On the other, in relation to the two activists interviewed, we point out the tensions that were generated with their families due to the duration of the confrontation with the enterprise.


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Author Biography

Leandro Molinaro, Centro de Estudios Históricos de los Trabajadores y las Izquierdas (CEHTI)

Licenciado en Historia, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Centro de Estudios Históricos de los Trabajadores y las Izquierdas (CEHTI), Argentina.


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How to Cite

Molinaro, L. (2022). The conflict in Volkswagen (Monte Chingolo) in 1983: an analysis of workers’ culture and about relations between production and reproduction areas. Testimonios, 11(11), 69–89. Retrieved from