“The plants of our place”

Ethnography on a university research-extension project in an ISFD of Villa del Rosario


  • Alfonsina Muñoz Paganoni Department of Anthropology. FFyH. UNC


native plants, cultural diversity, heritage, ISFD, Villa del Rosario (Cordoba)


This research ethnographed the educational material created with teachers and students of two careers (Initial and Primary Levels) from the Teacher Training Institute Adoratrices of Villa del Rosario, who participated in the university extension project “Cultural diversity, native plants and heritage: multivocal educational proposals for the initial and primary level”, on native plants, indigenous peoples, cultural diversity and heritage of Cordoba; and how they incorporate those concepts into their educational practices. While on the field, we noticed how the contents to be addressed on native plants, heritage and cultural diversity were determined by negotiating with the guidelines of "the curriculum" prepared by the provincial government; which orders them according to the crystallized nature/culture dichotomy.
This extensionist experience turned into research; records, analyzes and problematizes theoretically and methodologically, and, at the same time, focus on the potential of anthropological interventions (Fredric, 2016) produced on demand (Segato, 2013).


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How to Cite

“The plants of our place”: Ethnography on a university research-extension project in an ISFD of Villa del Rosario. (2024). Síntesis, 14, 15-31. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/sintesis/article/view/44264