Peer Review Process

Papers must be original and not have been submitted for publication in another journal.
Contributions received are first examined by the Editorial Committee for relevance and compliance with the Journals section policies. If this stage is successfully completed, contributions are independently evaluated by at least two external reviewers following the criteria described in the Guidelines for Authors. The whole process will be carried out using a double-blind reviewing system, i.e., with anonymity of all parties participating.
Based on the aforementioned evaluations the Editorial Committee retains the right to:

● Accept the article without modifications for publication: Authors are informed of the acceptance.

● Accept the article subject to minor changes for publication: Authors are informed and once requested changes are made, the same reviewers receive the modified manuscript so that they can issue a new report; if this second version is approved, the author is informed of its acceptance.

● Reject the article: if the article is rejected, the author is informed of the result.

The period between reception of the article and its publication is approximately three to six months.
The journal is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors in the contributions it publishes.