Parental experiences in dealing with perinatal bereavement
Perinatal death; perinatal bereavement; perinatal period; grief; nurse; care; experiences.Abstract
Introduction: When a pregnancy is expected, along with the beginning of a new life, expectations and hopes arise, and no one imagines an ending other than a happy one. However, sometimes pregnancies do not end satisfactorily and can result in the sudden and unexpected death of the child during the perinatal period. Objective: To understand the experiences of parents when confronted with the process of perinatal death. Material and method: A qualitative methodology was used. Data collection method: Interviews with parents who have experienced a perinatal or neonatal death between 22 weeks of gestation and 28 days of life, in hospitals and clinics in the city. The data was gathered using primary information sources. Data analysis was based on phenomenological theory, utilizing experience sampling and theoretical frameworks until data saturation was reached. Results: The findings were determined based on the specific objectives of the research and organized into two major dimensions, each of which was subdivided into subcategories derived from the narratives, accounts, and observations. The dimensions are as follows: experiences and emotions during the grieving process. First category: the joy and excitement of becoming parents; second category: fear and uncertainty as the feeling of loss sets in; third category: loneliness and sadness during grief. Second dimension: Experiences regarding the care received from healthcare professionals during grief; first category: Conflicting feelings regarding the care provided by the healthcare team. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the main feelings expressed were guilt, sadness, emptiness, loneliness, desolation, and an incomparable, devastating pain, as reported by the parents. The death of the baby triggered an emotional outburst characterized by shock, pain, and an intensification of the feeling of loneliness. Regarding the care provided by healthcare professionals, most of the interviewees felt emotionally supported, although only during that moment.
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