Nurses’ experiences in supporting families during a pediatric cancer diagnosis



Oncology; pediatrics; nursing; adaptation; nursing role; family.


Introduction: Cancer is a global public health issue. In Argentina, approximately 1,400 cases of pediatric cancer are diagnosed each year in children under 15. The role of nursing in pediatrics focuses on family-centered care, where children constantly need their families, and families need them to navigate and overcome the disease together. The professional nurse provides emotional support, love, and affection, practicing empathy to understand both the patient and their family, while encouraging the creation of a support network. Objective: To understand the experiences of nurses in supporting families faced with a pediatric cancer diagnosis. Methodology: The research followed a qualitative, phenomenological, and interpretative design. This study was conducted with nurses from the pediatrics department of a private healthcare institution, from May to August 2022. The results were derived from the saturation of data gathered through open-ended interviews, as well as field notes and voice recordings. Participants provided signed informed consent. Results: The findings aligned with the objectives set. Findings: Sadness and helplessness felt by nursing professionals when faced with a pediatric cancer diagnosis, limitations in emotional self-control when empathizing with others, and indifference perceived in interdisciplinary communication. Conclusion: This study allowed us to understand the nursing staff working in pediatric services with pediatric cancer diagnoses, who are exposed to situations where they employ coping mechanisms, such as dealing with the possibility of a child’s early death. Additionally, it highlighted the emotional burden generated in both the care provided and the support given to families when faced with the diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Nurses’ experiences in supporting families during a pediatric cancer diagnosis. (2024). Crear En Salud, 22.