Expectations – Nursing Residences – Neonatology and Pediatrics – Provincial Hospitals.Abstract
Introduction: the nursing profession from its origins and to date has been advancing in
professional practice, providing care based on philosophical positions and care theories
(Ramaciotti, 2019). This is how the formation of residences began to be developed to improve
the quality of care. The theoretical reference taken into account for the study was: self-efficacy
theory, Albert Bandura (2015). Objective: to investigate the expectations of nurses in relation
to the activities carried out by residents during their training in the Residency in Neonatal
and Pediatric Critical Care that takes place in four public pediatric hospitals in Córdoba from
July to November 2019. Materials and methods: quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional
study. Interview card was used. The data was systematized and analyzed in tables. Results:
expectations of efficacy in relation to care activity were mostly positive. The difference occurs
when it refers to establishing harmonious links with superior peers and other professionals where
the no predominates. Regarding communication with parents, negative responses predominate.
The expectations of effectiveness in relation to the benefits in professional autonomy are mostly
positive. Negative responses were found in relation to facing ethical dilemmas and accepting
suggestions about care from superiors and colleagues. The expectations of effectiveness in
relation to the production of knowledge are mostly negative. Conclusion: colleagues have a
positive view of future residents. They recognize that current nursing knowledge is based on
scientific evidence, with updated theories and encompasses the human being holistically in order
to establish improvements in the quality of care, which promotes growing spaces of autonomy.
Communication and coping with ethical dilemmas are pending challenges to be improved.
Although they carry out research projects, it is not enough to sustain their contribution to the
scientific knowledge that the profession requires.
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