Think we must. Some environmental themes in Donna Haraway


  • Adriana Boria Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



To undertake the task of writing some lines referring to feminisms and environmental issues means talking about conceptual weavings that, from my point of view, are at the forefront of thought in this 21st century. The set of voices (as a metonymic figure) that belong to the subjects who speak and think from these perspectives allows us to visualise snapshots of the critical thought installed in this present of unrest. Although nowadays there is a consensus that certain explanations fall short of their purpose if they do not cross disciplinary boundaries (we talk a lot about inter- and trans-disciplines), there are very few that point out the correspondences with a field that has long been recognised as environmental or ecological problems. Hence the radical nature of Haraway's gesture, whose point of view is rooted in this "compost" that hints at a way of doing theory.  This idea of mixing, and of systemic, biological and emotional interdependence is today a provocative gesture; proposed as an epistemological orientation, it provides with a reflection that hinges on creative thinking, and that can perhaps account for the complex situations of contemporary life.



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How to Cite

Boria, A. (2022). Think we must. Some environmental themes in Donna Haraway. Estudios Digital, (48), 75–89.