Anti-speciesist feminism in the Law of Environmental Education. An ethical-political analysis


  • Barrionuevo Adriana Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Luciana Samamé Universidad Nacional del Litoral



The thoughts presented in this paper are motivated in the –recently enacted– “Implementation of the Law on Integral Environmental Education in the Argentine Republic” (Nº 37258). In this Law, we find the recommendation to incorporate new paradigms of sustainability into formal and non-formal education, and also the recommendation to pay attention to developments framed in ecofeminist theory. The main hypothesis that will guide this work is that theoretical tools provided by anti-speciesist ecofeminism allow us to interpret the aforementioned Law in its best light. Our goal is to show in what manner anti-speciesist ecofeminism is able to dismantle unjust practices by way of disclosing its roots, on the one hand, and to provide a practical horizon of ethical and political transformation, on the other. In this regard, we will analyze a number of concepts and accounts that will permit a proper understanding of our object articulated from the concept of cruelty.


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How to Cite

Adriana, B., & Samamé, L. (2022). Anti-speciesist feminism in the Law of Environmental Education. An ethical-political analysis. Estudios Digital, (48), 53–73.