The original montoneras. Some notes on the links between Córdoba and Santa Fe (1968-1972)


  • Ana Noguera
  • María Gracia Tell



The aim of this work is to reconstruct and analyze the network of close links in the formation of Montoneros movement between Córdoba and Santa Fe cities. Also, highlight and rescue the presence of militant women that became referents to this organization, trying to investigate some particularities of how was to live guerrillas in each particular space. In this sense, we will explore some reasons that link women to militancy and social networks that linked them to Montoneros  movement, as well as the option to Peronist Party and the armed struggle. We propose to highlight the early participation of women in Montoneras cells of Cordoba and Santa Fe cities, as well as to problematize some issues that in our opinion are essential: the relationship of women and weapons, the distribution of tasks in political and military operations, trademarks of gender in  female activist’s trajectories.


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Noguera A. y Tell M. (2022) Las Montoneras originarias. Algunas notas sobre los vínculos entre Córdoba y Santa Fe (1968-1972). Estudios Digital, (47), 77-96.



How to Cite

Noguera, A. ., & Tell, M. G. (2021). The original montoneras. Some notes on the links between Córdoba and Santa Fe (1968-1972). Estudios Digital, (47).