Stories renewed and interrupted: Guillermo Beato and Waldo Ansaldi Investigate the past and dispute the present in Córdoba during the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century


  • Marta Philp Escuela de Historia, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



In this text, founded on an expanded conception of historiography, concerned with the uses of the past and the relationships between history, politics and memory, we propose a reading of the historiographic production in Córdoba based on the reconstruction of some of the experiences of writing history, carried out within the framework of the National University of Córdoba in the sixties and seventies, at a time marked by two dictatorships, that of 1966 and 1976, and the brief and convulsed period of the third Peronist government. At first, we will refer to the writing of history in Córdoba, in the first decades of the 20th century until the overthrow of Peronism in 1955, with the aim of presenting a map of provincial historiography. In a second moment, we will stop at two tracks: Guillermo Beato's Bachelor's thesis in History (1963) and Waldo Ansaldi's (1991) doctoral thesis, created in the 1970s and interrupted by the 1976 dictatorship. We consider that they contribute to the understanding of a key problem, constituted by the links between historiographic production and political-social contexts.


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Author Biography

Marta Philp, Escuela de Historia, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Profesora, Licenciada y Doctora en Historia, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. 

Maestra en Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO-México

Profesora Titular regular en la cátedra Introducción a la Historia, Escuela de Historia, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Directora del proyecto "Usos del pasado en la Argentina contemporánea: territorios de la historia, la política y la memoria", CIFFyH-UNC



How to Cite

Philp, M. (2021). Stories renewed and interrupted: Guillermo Beato and Waldo Ansaldi Investigate the past and dispute the present in Córdoba during the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century. Estudios Digital, (45), 61–78.