The Great Fear of 1919 on a Global Scale: Argentina's Tragic Week and the North American Archives


  • Daniel Lvovich Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



In this article we inscribe the events of the Tragic Week of 1919 in a transnational perspective, considering the ways in which U.S. diplomacy and intelligence services analyzed and interpreted it and linked it to a set of contemporary events and processes. Thus, we articulated the interpretation of Tragic Week as the result of a Great Fear of Argentine and South American elites with a consideration on a larger scale of the ways in which the fear of revolution impacted the behaviors and interpretations of relevant U.S. political actors. We based our study on a set of U.S. diplomatic and intelligence reports that we relied on in the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) and the U.S. Library of Congress' Woodrow Wilson President's Fund.


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How to Cite

Lvovich, D. (2020). The Great Fear of 1919 on a Global Scale: Argentina’s Tragic Week and the North American Archives. Estudios Digital, (43), 159–172.