Catholic denominational schools. Chronicle of its landing in Cordoba at the beginning of the 20th century


  • Silvia Servetto Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



Catholic Church, State, schools, education


The Argentine Catholic Church occupied a hegemonic place in the education of children and young people until 1884 when President Roca promulgated Law 1420, which promoted free and secular schooling. From then on he lost part of his hegemony, but he did not renounce his interest in educational matters and in building a Christian state. For the Catholic Church, the end of the 19th century was a turning point in its dispute and offensive with the state to maintain control of souls. That dispute was not always the same, nor were the same weapons used in their combat. There were periods of close alliances and others where relations became irreconcilable. In this article, studies carried out by historians on the relationship of the Catholic Church with the national and provincial states are recovered, to articulate them with the arrival of different congregations in Cordoba at the beginning of the 20th century dedicated to the education of the wealthy classes. The creation of Catholic denominational schools was a political strategy that helped to maintain control of morality and good customs in the city.


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How to Cite

Servetto, S. (2019). Catholic denominational schools. Chronicle of its landing in Cordoba at the beginning of the 20th century. Estudios Digital, (42), 113–129.