La gran transformación universitaria:

del Manifiesto Liminar cordobés (1918) al proyecto de Ley Ómnibus (2024)


  • Franco Riquelme Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza



University reform, Fundamental rights, Democracy, Political culture, Social movements


This article is an analysis carried out from Historical Sociology with the objective of studying the university situation in Latin America  from a long-term perspective because the present (the current situation) cannot be explained if historical processes are not taken  into account ( changes and continuities). For this reason, I have chosen as the central starting point of my arguments the role of the  University Reform (1918) that it had in the expansion of the fundamental rights of students as well as the formation of various social  movements and demands that remain in force until today. our days. Likewise, I develop and expose issues-problems that in recent  Latin American years have been marking the academic as well as political-social agenda and it is regarding the democratic issue,  governmentality and a political culture pendulum between dialogue and/or the occlusion of the voice dissident politics, all this  adding up to a historical context of strong advance of the right in our societies. This right-wing political positioning is implying a  setback in the social achievements made in society as a whole and this includes, par excellence, the educational system. 


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How to Cite

La gran transformación universitaria:: del Manifiesto Liminar cordobés (1918) al proyecto de Ley Ómnibus (2024). (2024). Estudios Digital, 52, 83-102.