Between neo-fascism and populism. The anti-establishmen right in spain, 1976-2022


  • Julio Gil Pecharromán Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Luiza Iordache Cârstea Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



Far-right, neo-fascism, populism, Spain, political parties


The process of building a parliamentary de- mocracy in Spain forced the Francoist Rig- ht to improvise a party system during the transition phase. They stood against the political system established by the 1978 Constitution and evolved, with permanent instability and very few electoral results, towards neo-fascist and populist formulas. Until VOX, a formation of neoconservative origin and radical populist drift, was uni- fying its factions since 2013.


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How to Cite

Between neo-fascism and populism. The anti-establishmen right in spain, 1976-2022. (2022). Estudios Digital, 49, 75-93.