Hazy Times Crisis of democracy, authoritarian climate and conceptual indeterminacy


  • Cecilia Lesgart Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




crisis, democracy, right, authoritarianism


The «discomfort with democracy» -typical expression that expressed in the 80s of the twentieth century the dissatisfaction with its unfulfilled promises- to this day, the ar- gument has become more complex. We live in an authoritarian age. The meanings with which this concept is nourished are varied, although a first meaning is that of the mo- vement inverse to that of the democratic «third wave» announced by Huntington, which was followed by this «third wave of autocratization». In this text, reflections of a conceptual and historical order are offered, which are nouris- hed by the political thought of our days as well as the contributions of the Argentine, Uruguayan and Spanish colleagues who write in this same issue of the journal Estudios.


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How to Cite

Hazy Times Crisis of democracy, authoritarian climate and conceptual indeterminacy. (2022). Estudios Digital, 49, 15-27. https://doi.org/10.31050/re.vi49.39950