Analysis of the ecofeminist perspective in the Law for the implementation of Comprehensive Environmental Education in the Argentine Republic


  • Paula Pérez Universidad Pablo de Olavide



Formal education has a direct influence on the construction of a certain type of citizenship: on the production and reproduction of social imaginaries and individual and collective practices that has a direct impact on the environment, the society and the culture. The actual global ecological crisis allows us to affirm that changing the educational system is necessary to address the environmental and social consequences generated by the neoliberal and patriarchal capitalist system in which we find ourselves. Always maintaining a gender and inclusive perspective that fights against the oppressions of the dominant powers and promotes equity and social justice. This article analyzes the Law for the Implementation of Comprehensive Environmental Education in the Argentine Republic, which came into force in June 2021, and reflects on its impact on society from an ecofeminist perspective.


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How to Cite

Analysis of the ecofeminist perspective in the Law for the implementation of Comprehensive Environmental Education in the Argentine Republic. (2022). Estudios Digital, 48, 35-51.