Martin Kohan and the Metalliterature of the Revolution


  • Lucía Feuillet Licenciada en Letras Modernas y doctoranda de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Becaria del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.



revolution, time, literature, social relationships


Our article approaches the reading/writing ideas in the Martin Kohan novel, Museo de la Revolución. In the mentioned novel, the characters that seduce, betray or transgress and are eventually exposed build a link between both, distant and overlapping historical times. The temporary jumps and the fragmentary continuity of the revolution are proposed as a method to decipher fiction.  At a time of immediate danger, the voice of the defeated is recovered to avoid the illegitimate appropriation of historical meanings, as well as to configure literature. The concept that subsumes the problems of the narrative, the story and the history is the continuous revolution, as a way of reading the temporal and social organization.


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How to Cite

Martin Kohan and the Metalliterature of the Revolution. (2017). Estudios Digital, 37, 131-147.