he Russian Revolution in the Argentine interior (1917). Debates and receptions from history in Santiago del Estero


  • Héctor Guzmán




Russian Revolution, Historiographic readings, Santiago del Estero


This text analyses the receptions and readings of the Russian Revolution made by a group of Santiago historians in 1917. They show the interest in making a description of the revolutionary process that would serve the interests of the workers' sectors, whom they sought to represent. Through the study of the arrival of revolutionary ideas originating in Russia from historiographic discourses, the aim is to provide an overview of the disputes that originated in the workers' movement and in other elite sectors in Santiago del Estero.


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How to Cite

he Russian Revolution in the Argentine interior (1917). Debates and receptions from history in Santiago del Estero. (2017). Estudios Digital, 37, 123-130. https://doi.org/10.31050/re.v0i37.17926