From the democratic republic to the diversion of the maximalist coup. The Socialist Party of Argentina and the Russian Revolution (March-November 1917)


  • Hernán Camarero Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires/ Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana «Dr. Emilio Ravignani».



Socialist Party, La Vanguardia, Socialist Revolution


Bourgeois democratic revolution or socialist revolution? Establishment of a regime with institutions typical of representative democracy or power of the Soviets? Through the study of the newspaper La Vanguardia, ananalys is of the successive positions by which the Socialist Party between the revolution of February and the one of October of 1917 was transited; A process that finally led to the split with the subsequent founding of the Socialist Internationalist Party, the embryo of the Argentine Communist Party.


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How to Cite

From the democratic republic to the diversion of the maximalist coup. The Socialist Party of Argentina and the Russian Revolution (March-November 1917). (2017). Estudios Digital, 37, 69-96.