La traducción como performance: lenguajes, creatividad y construcción


  • Sabrina Salomón Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



poetry, translation, performance, performative, performativity, creativity


This paper proposes to analyze a perspective of translation based on the concept of performance. It observes how the term "performance" used as modifier and relative to the enactment of a piece of art in general, and the term "performative", understood as assigning meaning or conforming ways of perceiving the world, are conceived in the translation of a series of poems, called performance poems, whose characteristics, typical of poetry aloud (polyphony and voice modes) are highly resistant to written translation. At the same time, through a theoretical itinerary from performative language, performance art, to philosophy and psychoanalysis (Butler, McSweeney, Toro, Deleuze, Winnicott, etc) this work attempts to demonstrate that both terms (performance and performative) converge to account for a type of translation with the same purposes. In order to illustrate these ideas, this paper pursues a performative approach (in both senses of the term) for the translation of Joyelle McSweeney´s poems.


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Author Biography

Sabrina Salomón, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Traductora y profesora en lengua inglesa, Becaria de Investigación Fac. de Humanidades - UNMdP.


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How to Cite

Salomón, S. (2014). La traducción como performance: lenguajes, creatividad y construcción. Recial, 5(5-6).