Generalization of the say-do correspondence in a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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María del Mar Montoya-Rodríguez
Francisco Javier Molina Cobos
Ana Isabel Ramón Cortés


Say-do correspondence refers to the equivalence between what a person says he/she is going to do and what he/she then does. The teaching of this ability has been reported in many studies with diverse populations for several decades for the establishment of numerous adaptive behaviors. This study aimed to improve previous studies´ results sampling children with autism spectrum disorder. Training was designed which was based on the use of prompts to prevent errors and differential reinforcement, among other elements. In addition, the evaluation of the correspondence generalization was made on a pre-established stimuli class. The results showed that the participant managed to establish the say-do correspondence and non-correspondence as well as the generalization of this relation to untrained stimuli. Results should be considered for what it means when designing training procedures and generalization of the say-do correspondence with children with limitations in their repertoire.

Detalhes do artigo

Como Citar
Generalization of the say-do correspondence in a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2024). Revista Argentina De Ciencias Del Comportamiento, 16(3), 77-85.
Artículos Originales

Como Citar

Generalization of the say-do correspondence in a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2024). Revista Argentina De Ciencias Del Comportamiento, 16(3), 77-85.


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