Adaptation and psychometric properties of SCORE-15 to measure family functioning in Peruvian population

Contenido principal del artículo

Andy Rick Sánchez-Villena
Edén Castañeda-Valdivia
Eduardo Farfán


SCORE-15 is a self-report instrument with 15 items which purpose is to measure family functioning. It was created in the United Kingdom and has been adapted in different European countries. Nevertheless, there are no studies about its psychometric properties in Latin America. Therefore, the aim of this research is to examine its psychometric properties in Peruvian population. For this, the original version of SCORE-15 was translated into Spanish using the double translation method. Subsequently, an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was carried out. The results show that SCORE-15 has two dimensions with adequate reliability, which is invariant according to sex and age. Likewise, the divergent and convergent validity was verified. In conclusion, the SCORE-15, in its Peruvian version, is a brief tool with good psychometric properties for evaluation of family functioning and can be used by researchers or psychotherapist in their clinical practice.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Adaptation and psychometric properties of SCORE-15 to measure family functioning in Peruvian population. (2023). Revista Argentina De Ciencias Del Comportamiento, 15(2), 99-109.
Artículos Metodológicos o Técnicos
Biografía del autor/a

Edén Castañeda-Valdivia, Universidad Privada del Norte, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Carrera Profesional de Psicología, Cajamarca, Perú



Cómo citar

Adaptation and psychometric properties of SCORE-15 to measure family functioning in Peruvian population. (2023). Revista Argentina De Ciencias Del Comportamiento, 15(2), 99-109.


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