Analogías para asustar y tranquilizar: dos estudios sobre recuperación y evaluación de argumentos analógicos

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Ana Elia Gómez
Luciana Ceccacci Sawicki
María Paula Portela
María Valeria Olguín


In our daily lives we often resort to argumentation through analogies when we try to show others our position on the issue at hand. Two experiments that analyze the retrieval and evaluation of analogical arguments with different argumentative purposes are reported in this article. In Experiment 1, the structure and semantic distance of analogies retrieved by 109 university students were analyzed when different communication purposes were indicated. It was found that people recover analogies with complete structure (i.e. analogies with explicit inferences) and close semantic distance to a greater extent. In Experiment 2 it was inquired if the types of analogies recovered in the previous experiment are effective (i.e., persuasive) for the recipient. The data found show a significant difference in their persuasive efficacy in favor of the arguments in which complete analogies are used.


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How to Cite
Gómez, A. E., Ceccacci Sawicki, L., Portela, M. P., & Olguín, M. V. (2024). Analogías para asustar y tranquilizar: dos estudios sobre recuperación y evaluación de argumentos analógicos. Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 16(2), 25–36.
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