Validation of a battery to assess emotion recognition through face and body using dynamic stimuli

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Samanta Leiva


This paper presents validation studies of a new neuropsychological assessment battery, locally developed, designed to assess facial and body expression recognition of basic and complex emotions, with video stimuli. We analyzed item difficulty and item discrimination power of the items (Study 1), convergent validity and reliability (Study 2), and the effect of demographic variables, gender, age and educational level, on the battery tests (Study 3). Results showed that the four emotional tests of the battery had adequate psychometric properties, with appropriate difficulty and discrimination indexes, and satisfactory indicators of validity and reliability. Age and educational level affected performance in all battery tests, but there weren’t significative differences between men and women. In future works it is expected test the performance of the battery in pathological populations in order to obtain clinical validation data.


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Leiva, S. (2017). Validation of a battery to assess emotion recognition through face and body using dynamic stimuli. Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 9(3), 60–81.
Technical or Methodological Articles
Author Biography

Samanta Leiva, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones en Psicología

Licenciada en Psicología; Becaria de doctorado UBACyT de la Facultad de psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires.


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