The Argentine Journal of Behavioral Sciences (RACC) is a four-monthly publication (January-April; May-August; September-December) that aims to cover a broad spectrum of research and practice in the sciences that deal with behavior (psychology, pedagogy, biology, medicine, linguistics, neurosciences, etc).

The RACC was created in 2009 by Ricardo Pautassi, Marcos Cupani and Juan Carlos Godoy, adhering from its origins to the principles of the Open Access movement and with the endorsement of the Faculty of Psychology of the National University of Córdoba and the Association Argentina of Behavioral Sciences. None of these organizations has an impact on the editorial line or the contents of the magazine. Currently, it is part of the Journal Portal of the National University of Córdoba and is based at the Institute of Psychological Research of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research and the National University of Córdoba (IIPsi-CONICET-UNC).

The main objective of the RACC is to promote national and international dissemination of empirical research in behavioral sciences. This freely available journal publishes original articles, literature reviews, short communications, methodological articles and bibliographic reviews; in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The RACC respects the criteria established by the indexing systems in terms of editorial characteristics. Those interested in submitting manuscripts can download our guide "Rules for Authors". The magazine has a permanent call for articles.

Currently, the magazine integrates the Basic Nucleus of Argentine Scientific Journals (Res. CONICET 2485) and is annexed in the SciElo-Argentina, REDALYC (Network of Latin American, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal), PSICODOC (Base edited by the Official College of Psychologists of Madrid), LATINDEX (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal), DIALNET (Databases of Spanish and Hispanic American Journals), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals of the University of Lund, Sweden), e-Magazines (Open Access Platform of Spanish and Latin American Electronic Scientific Journals), IMBIOMED (Mexican Index of Latin American Biomedical Journals), and in Google Scholar. It has also been included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and, since 2018 in SCOPUS.

With the aim of encouraging good OPEN SCIENCE communication practices, and aligning the RACC with the Guide for promoting openness, transparency and reproducibility of research published by SciELO journals (SciELO, 2018), which in turn follows Guidelines for transparency and promotion of openness (TOP) in journal policies and practices - TOP Guidelines promoted by the Center for Open Science (2014, 2020), the RACC has adopted additional requirements, incorporated into its "Standards for authors", for articles submitted for consideration from 07/01/2021.