Adaptation of the A and B activity scales of IPP-RIASEC to the university population of Argentina

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Ricardo Marcos Cupani
Edgardo Perez


The present study was aimed at: a) performing back translation of the items and analyzing their psychometric properties, b) verifying the internal structure of the test and examining the reliability of the scales, and c) obtaining evidence of external validity (convergent validity, sex-related differences between groups and a predictive validity). The results supported that both scales A and B possess an adequate structure and that it can be used with precision to assess the six basic types of personality proposed by Holland. Additionally, we verified the same psychometric properties of the eight best markers of activities in order to develop a unified way. Overall, the results are encouraging and can be considered an acceptable option to measure professional interests.

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How to Cite
Adaptation of the A and B activity scales of IPP-RIASEC to the university population of Argentina. (2014). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 6(2), 23-34.
Original Articles

How to Cite

Adaptation of the A and B activity scales of IPP-RIASEC to the university population of Argentina. (2014). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 6(2), 23-34.